温室气体清单可以帮助靠谱的外围竞猜app减少碳排放, 钱, 和 energy


Resulting from bottled up-emissions that trap heat in our atmosphere, the “greenhouse effect” is the main cause behind climate change. And since business 操作 inevitably result in harmful emissions (some more than others), it’s useful to identify which types of practices do the best or worst jobs of limiting or even cutting carbon emissions — especially in the commercial 和 industrial sector, which is responsible for about 30% of carbon emissions in the U.S.

除了减缓气候变化, reducing your comp任何’s carbon emissions holds potential benefits for your mission 和 values, 操作, 底线是. You might be surprised what your organization’s largest emissions categories are, 和 that the tools to reduce those emissions are already available.

大约五年前, a small group of CEE staff instituted a “greenhouse gas inventory” of our comp任何 操作, with ongoing tracking 和 annual reporting to our staff 和 board of directors. Analysis of their findings helps CEE to monitor 和 document our negative impacts (through our 操作) 和 positive impacts (through our programs) on global carbon totals. And as these numbers become more embedded in our organizational culture, our yearly process helps us set new goals to improve our carbon-related bottom line over time.

作为足球外围app哪个靠谱领域的非营利组织, the motivations to track 和 reduce our greenhouse gas emissions may seem more obvious for CEE than for others. 仍然, an increasing number of organizations 和 companies are breaking new ground in carbon monitoring. Although Fortune 500 businesses (Walmart, Apple, Google, etc.) tend to grab the headlines for environmental accountability, 值得注意的是,非营利组织, 学术机构, 和 差不多的公司 任何 大小 能否在减少有害气体排放方面发挥有意义的作用. 


越来越多地, values-driven consumers 和 employees are taking note of organizations that are mindful of their environmental impact.

Demonstrating your comp任何’s true commitment to track 和 reduce GHG emissions may appeal to individuals’ goals to reduce their own carbon footprint 和 promotes a sense of corporate leadership, 责任, 和可靠性. 同样的, 随着越来越多的城市制定气候计划, your organization’s green efforts may help position you to take advantage of valuable municipal programs, 政策, 以及相关的激励措施.

Starting a GHG inventory also offers your business practical internal benefits. 用它, you can learn more about where 和 how your comp任何’s energy is used, 瞄准日常运营中的低效率, 找出减少碳排放和成本的机会, 在公司开支方面做出更明智的决定.


Creating 和 maintaining a GHG inventory might seem like a big lift among your comp任何’s long list of priorities, but the truth is you probably already have most of the data you need to get one started. 尽管如此, you'll likely need to build in some new tracking practices 和 allow colleagues plenty of time to pull together what you need. 就像任何组织优先级一样, this is a process that benefits from multiple people working together — but it will also require some institutional "stretching" to accomplish new tasks, 所以也要腾出空间.

For CEE’s inventory, the team initially based its methodology on 气候登记处的一般报告协议工具. This is just one of m任何 free protocol tools that are available to businesses to build a framework to measure direct 和 indirect energy use, 和 how to translate those measurements into GHG emissions. You can always research 和 adapt available carbon tracking tools to define the scope 和 approach that align with your business’s goals 和 操作.

Then get ready to make friends with every department in your organization, since your colleagues likely already have key data you’d need for your GHG inventory.

After identifying the scope of what we'd measure for CEE’s inventory, 我们的团队开始收集数据. 很多很多很多的数据,尽管, 因为这些内部关系, data collection proved more straightforward than you might expect. 例如, CEE’s accounting department was already tracking m任何 of the factors included in our inventory, such as gas mileage 和 expenses for work-related transportation.

Setting 和 measuring goals for a cost-effective 和 sustainable future

Once you’ve identified 和 collected the information for your GHG inventory, you can use that data to reveal the story of your comp任何’s energy use 和 how to improve 和 streamline it. 一些关键考虑因素的例子可能是:

  • 不断上涨的油价给你的日常开支带来压力了吗?
  • 你的工作空间是否过热或过冷?
  • 是不是过时的照明设备增加了你的电费?
  • 可否将文件数码化以减少纸张消耗量?
  • Are commuting 和 air travel major sources of GHG emissions?

Using this information on your business’s total GHG emissions, you can set appropriate 和 actionable goals for reducing GHG emissions 和 making your 操作 more cost-effective. Choose a baseline year 和 timeframe in which to track 和 measure progress toward a goal. 你定义的目标越具体, the more effective the outcomes 和 the greater the likelihood of success.

与任何旨在推动进步的跟踪一样, there may be unique barriers 和 opportunities to what your comp任何 can do to lower emissions based on market factors, 你的商业模式, 和 your level of control over different energy uses 和 resources. 但即使作为起点, a GHG inventory could empower your business to see the full picture of its emissions 和 effect change for a more cost-effective 和 sustainable future.


低排放国温室气体清单指南 (U.S. 环境保护署)

2005-2018年温室气体排放清单 (MN污染控制署)

温室气体清单咨询支持 (CEE)