明尼苏达州的 保育改善计划: 2021 highlights from CEE


明尼苏达州的 保育改善计划 (CIP) was created to help Minnesota residents, 公用事业公司, and businesses save money and energy in their natural gas and electricity use. Some of CIP’s benefits include improved awareness and adoption of energy efficient technologies, reduced energy costs for Minnesota households and businesses, deferred costly infrastructure investments, 减少二氧化碳排放, 节约资源. 在过去的三十年里, CIP has been 明尼苏达州的 most successful energy policy, producing nearly four dollars in energy savings for every dollar invested (明尼苏达州商业部).

去年春天,明尼苏达州通过了 Energy Conservation and Optimization Act (ECO Act) as its next step on the path to energy efficiency and sustainability. ECO法案将更新和扩大CIP, including expanded funding and options for low-income households, increasing the types of qualified energy saving technologies through efficient fuel-switching, increasing investor-owned electric utility conservation goals, 和更多的. CIP的前景一片光明, CEE wanted to look back on the important work we were able to accomplish in 2021 with CIP’s support.



这个程序 offers a full-service rebate program for small to midsize businesses in Xcel Energy’s Minnesota services territory, 重点是照明, 免费安装智能恒温器, 屋顶单元的改进. One-Stop provides practical solutions to energy efficiency challenges by addressing common barriers such as limited financial resources, lack of access to high-quality contractors, 还有时间限制. In 2021, 一站式完成2,151 projects including 826 smart thermostat installations, 导致的保护 12.8兆瓦和53.5千兆瓦时的能量,以及7美元.300万美元的支付回扣和5美元.1 million in annual savings for local businesses.

学习 more about the One-Stop Efficiency Shop



CEE delivers this service for Xcel Energy and CenterPoint, which pairs on-the-post installations of energy-saving products with an energy assessment for greater home comfort and savings. 每次访问时, energy experts install upgrades like LED bulbs, 水龙头限, 智能恒温器. Despite a reduction in visits due to the pandemic, 家庭能源小组 still completed over 6,500 visits in 2021 and helped save energy amounting to about 2.5千兆瓦时和17000分温. 另外, 多于1,100 residents used CEE’s free Energy Advisor service to complete energy efficiency projects and earn rebates.




这个程序, 由明尼苏达能源公司提供, is designed to help multifamily building owners save energy through rebate incentives and direct installation of energy-saving products like high-efficiency showerheads and 水龙头限. 自成立以来, 该项目已经为10多人提供了服务,200个多户住宅单元, resulting in an average savings each year of $25 per unit on natural gas bills and an additional $25 per unit on electricity.




These programs help connect homeowners with energy-saving resources and provide information about efficiency methods through partnerships with regional 公用事业公司 such as Austin Public Utilities, 达科他电力协会, 明尼苏达能源公司, 水獭尾动力, 奥瓦通纳公共事业公司, 罗切斯特公共事业公司. In 2021, there were five virtual Neighborhood Energy Challenge workshops for Rochester residents and over 100户参与.


Authorized Insulation Contractor Program

这个程序 offers insulation and air sealing services in the region served by 明尼苏达能源公司. Participating contractors benefit from easy access to competitive utility-paid rebates. In 2021, the program completed 26 on-site quality assurance inspections. The program also performed 14 quality assurance inspections in the form of remote phone interviews, added four new Authorized Insulation Contractor companies, and held two trainings for 19 people to become new Authorized Insulation Contractor crew leaders.



New 首页s Single-family and Multifamily Rater Services

这个程序 offers energy consulting and rater services to single-family new home builders and multifamily developers. 对于单户新住宅, the program performed a variety of energy ratings (HERS, 能源之星, and DOE Zero Energy Ready 首页s) for 119 homes and 16 builders. 适用于多户型开发商, the program completed work on 13 buildings with five builders and seven developers, and certified five affordable housing projects in 2021.

学习 more about new construction services



This Xcel Energy program focuses on small businesses with significant refrigeration loads, 喜欢的餐馆, 便利店, 酒类商店. The full-service program offers technical assistance and rebates to small business owners who are interested in upgrading existing refrigeration equipment to more efficient options. In 2021, 该计划支付了25美元,000 in rebates and helped 70 businesses upgrade their equipment for a total first-year savings of over 500,000千瓦时.


Successful energy conservation requires thoughtful policies, 卓越的客户服务, and high-quality work by a well-trained workforce. We are proud to be part of the vast CIP network that delivers programs tailored to 明尼苏达州的 diverse communities. CIP drives our mission to strengthen the economy while improving the environment.